should i keep checking my phone? who's to say

Posted 9/17/2024

now being empowered by an rss feed reader (inoreader) im still only following a small portion of the people i was following on cohost (i will get around to adding everyone i can later), so i expect "posting" to not be as frequent. i mean my own blogging system is a little bit hacked together now (write my post in my notes program that supports markdown (joplin) -> copy it to RuSSDown -> copy the html output -> make a new static webpage with the html output and upload it to neocities -> update my "all posts" page to include the new link -> paste the new blog post link as the website in RuSSDown -> have RuSSDown append my xml file -> upload the new feed.xml file to neocities -> profit?) but i basically have to wait until i get home from work/off work to post my new blog post. could i just start a bear blog? yeah. but i'm also a visual artist. i gotta post art too. and organize it somehow.

i imagine others dont have a set up as convoluted as mine, but as we're all getting aclimated to our new posting environments, i just dont think people will be "posting updates" or just anything to the sheer frequency a lot of us are used to. hell i'm not even gonna TRY posting a daily blog post. i did post something yesterday but this won't be a regular occurance.

theres some soon-to-be-ex-chohost people who are engaging with the idea of rosting aka "RSS Only Posting" where subscribing to someone's rss feed means being a part of their exclusive feed that isnt connected to any other web content. i think it's neat and ive enjoyed seeing what other people are "rosting" but it's personally not for me. im attempting a digital footprint with my blog so that this stuff isnt ephemera. i linked a guide on how to do it above if that interests you personally at all though. send me the link to your feed and ill follow it!

currently im writing this at work. im a bit bored as i motivate myself to work on the next thing on my agenda, so of course i check my phone. i look at twitter (but only my priv account), check my emails, check discord, and check cohost. out of all of those, cohost usually had the most interesting and most variety of stuff to look at. now that honor will have to be regulated to my rss reader, but i'm not expecting a daily post from anyone anymore.

so should i just check my phone less? probably. i should do the work im being paid to do. and probably listen to the audiobook that libby is yelling at me is due soon. its "Jingo" by Terry Prachett, one of the Watch series Discworld books. problem is, im reading the physical book of "Guards! Guards!" and im a slow reader when it comes to physical books unless i literally have an afternoon of nothing to do (i read "Equal Rites" in its entirety in a couple of hours while i was visiting my parents one weekend like a year ago, and stayed up until 4 am reading all of "Night Watch" on a different occasion. i know "Night Watch" happens after "Guards! Guards!", im reading all of the books out of order since i just read whichever ones i can get my hands on since theyre both popular in audiobook and physical book form!). Anyway, my "Jingo" reservation will lapse and i'll have to wait another couple of weeks before its available again. such is the cycle of audiobooks from the library. hopefully i will have finished the other book before then.

there are other things to do on my phone of course, but i guess knowing there'd be a lack of mental stimulation available would be motivation not to look at it every 10 minutes. maybe ill play wordle again. my friends made a discord channel to post our "game dailies" scores like connections, thrice game, and wordle.

i breifly considered adding a comment section to my blog posts, though it'd require adding another couple of funky steps in my blogging process which would be a pain to set up every time, so maybe ill save it only for occasions when i do need some specific input on things. otherwise i guess you could just email me at if you wanted to say something about the post. then you could feel safe knowing your commentary wouldnt be privy to a wider audience of people. or maybe it'd be more anxiety inducing since its not in a public forum. much to think about.

i still havent gotten back to work yet. i have no idea how to sign off on a blogpost yet, and seeing how many rambling thoughts this one includes its hard to pick a place to end. well heres an ending because i found an ingrown hair on the back of my neck so i gotta stop typing and go deal with that now.