middle of the day thinkings on the game im trying to make

Posted 9/16/2024

neocities' editor side went down in the middle of the day for some reason, so i couldn't post this when i wanted to.

i'm still in the middle of commissions im gunning to finish before the end of the month, but also something i'm trying to get done before the end of the month is a prototype for the parser-mystery game that i'm trying to make because i'm going to try to apply for the draknek grant which is due october 7th. that's coming up faster than i anticipated, and i lost a lot of the end of august and the beginning of this month to some health stuff. i'm doing a bit better now, but i have a lot on my plate.

i've not really talked about the parser-mystery game in any capacity save for some gifs i've shared around before of me messing around in rpgmaker, and slowly the "tutorial level" is taking shape, which will be my prototype.

the thing i'm fighting myself a lot is the art direction i want to go, and part of it is i have to just put stuff in engine and deal with it from there.

the thing i haven't done is write a GDD though, which i should probably do as i feel out what's possible for me to pull off and do. i'm probably not going to share out a whole lot of it until i get much closer to the deadline and more satisfied with what im doing. because right now? uh. lol.

if i can't make the deadline, then i'll be more forthcoming after that point too, but we'll all just have to see. wish me luck i get all this stuff done and that my health actually keeps up with me!

well, whenever neocities comes back i'll post this.